Image Licensing

Last updated 1st June 2023

PageTiger is a cloud-based solution for creating interactive documents accessible by visitors via browsers on computers and mobile devices.

Details of available products and services are listed below and will have the following definitions.

“Service Charge”: an annual subscription applied to the organisation (Customer) for the setup of a Central Group
Account to store customer branding, settings and assets for sharing to Accounts and Users within the Customer Account Group.

“User License”: an annual license subscription permitting an individual person (User) to login to a PageTiger Account in order to create and manage digital documents.

“Professional Services”: the provision of document design, content origination and bespoke technical development.

“Training Services”: the provision of product training for Users of the platform.


In order to use PageTiger, each organisation (Customer) must subscribe to an annual Service Charge. Three Service Charge levels are available, each qualifying for the corresponding settings, features and options.

Service Charge Level: Essentials Essentials Plus Enterprise
Central Group Account Yes Yes Yes
Branding Sets Single set Up to 5 sets Unlimited
Style Sets Single set Up to 5 sets Unlimited
Basic Security Rule Sets Yes Yes Yes
Advanced Security Rule Sets   Yes Yes
Word Content Generator Yes Yes Yes
Video Content Generator Yes Yes Yes
Image Content Generator Yes Yes Yes
TigerPlayer Application Yes Yes Yes
TigerMailer 10,000 pcm Unlimited Unlimited
Group Training Account   Yes Yes
User Roles and Permission Sets     Yes
Central User Reporting     Yes
Central Asset Management     Yes
Variable Pricing Model Yes Yes Yes
Capped Pricing Model   Yes Yes
Fixed Pricing Model     Yes

Service Charge Components

Central Group Account
A locked PageTiger Account from which customer settings, branding, security settings, assets, templates and User
Licenses are shared to Accounts and Users across the Customer Account Group.

Branding Sets
The setup, installation and management of brand colours, logos and fonts to be applied to the Branded Page Library of pre-designed page templates and made available for designing pages in the Custom Page Library.

Style Sets
Created for each Branding Set, Style Sets determine how documents display, including background colours, toolbar elements, interactive content defaults and page animations. Each Style Set includes 14 styles.

Branding and Style Sets are reviewed annually or at the request of the Customer. The Customer must confirm they indemnify PageTiger for the licensing of all elements used in the Branding and Style Sets including logos and fonts for inclusion in brand sets. Where the Customer cannot license a specific font, a similar open-source alternative will be used.

Basic Security Rule Sets
Security rules are used to restrict who can view a document and are applied to the document settings. The Basic Security Rule Set includes (1) the visitor entering their email address, (2) the visitor entering and verifying their email address and (3) the visitor entering and verifying their email address with access restricted to the email using the Customer’s domain name(s).

Advanced Security Rule Sets
In addition to the Basic Security Rule Set, the Advanced Security Rule Set includes integration of single sign-on to (1) control visitor access to view a document and (2) allow Users to login to their PageTiger Account to create and manage documents.

Word Content Generator
Access to a third party (Microsoft) to generate stories, features and content to be used within documents designed in PageTiger.

Image Content Generator
The ability to search, select and license images from a third-party (Getty Images) stock library. Licensed images are shared with all Accounts and licensed for usage by all Users within the Customer Account Group.

Video Content Generator
The ability to insert a video script, select a PageTiger presenter and generate a video to play within a PageTiger

Usage of the Video and Image Content Generators are subject to PageTiger’s Acceptable Usage Terms.

TigerPlayer Application
Providing Users with the option to remotely control documents displaying on computer screens in multiple locations through the download and install the Tiger Player application to a computer attached to a digital display or kiosk. The User may add the device to their Account, set a device ID and control the issue displaying on each installation.

Providing Users with the option to email multiple contacts through a bulk mailing system.
Users may access the TigerMailer interface in order to create an HTML email using content from a designed document, adding text and sending a mailing to a Visitor list.

TigerMailer services may be suspended where a User within the Customer Group exceeds an acceptable level of unsubscribes and/or SPAM reports or is in breach of data privacy and/or GDPR restrictions within (a) the country in which the User is located or (b) the country in which the email recipient is located.

Where TigerMailer service is suspended, no refund will be due.

Group Training Account
A PageTiger Account provided for Users within the Customer Group to access and complete online training. Documents created within the Group Training Account must not be distributed to audiences.

User Roles and Permission Sets
The facility to create multiple permission sets, each allowing access to specific features and options within the PageTiger platform, to save each permission set as a role and assign roles to individual Users.

Central User Reporting
The facility to view usage analytics by Accounts and Users within the Customer Group.

Central Asset Management
The facility to share specific assets including images, video and document design templates with Accounts and Users within the Customer Group.

Variable Pricing Model
The option to purchase User license subscriptions on an ad hoc basis wither shared from the Central Group Account or billed to individual Team Accounts.

Capped Pricing Model
The option to have a contract value based on the current/expected number of User Licenses with additional Licenses available if the estimate is exceeded. Capped pricing can be billed to a Central Group Account funding Users across the organization (Corporate Service Agreement) or at a local level (Team Management Programme) allowing licenses to be purchased and shared from a Team Account to Sub-Team Accounts.

Fixed Pricing Model
The option to have a multi-year fixed price agreement to include sufficient licenses to enable the Customer to deploy PageTiger across all departments and the option for an on-premise installation.

Service Charge Cancellation

Other than where a Customer upgrades or downgrades a Service Charge, the cancellation of a Service Charge will
deactivate all User Licenses and unpublish all documents across the entire Customer Group. Subject to the terms of the Master Service Agreement, all documents, assets and analytics will be deleted.

To request the cancellation of a Service Charge, an authorised Customer representative must complete an online request available at

The Customer representative will be required to enter the details of each PageTiger Account within the Customer Group and for each Account Owner to accept that their documents and User Licenses will be deleted.

The completed form and acknowledgments must be received by PageTiger no less than thirty days in advance of the next renewal date of the Service Charge.



A User is a person identified through a unique email address who is able to access a PageTiger Account using the relevant Account Number and a personal password. Each User requires a User License subscription and one User License is included within the Service Charge.

Users of the PageTiger platform must accept PageTiger’s acceptable use policy.

Where multiple Users access the same Account then an Account Owner is assigned to manage Users, their access and the privileges/features available to each User. The Account Owner can increase the number of Users by (i) adding new subscriptions of (ii) upgrading an existing subscription. Where a subscription is upgraded then the cost will be calculated as the number of days remaining in the subscription period.

The Account Owner can increase the number of Users by (i) adding new subscriptions of (ii) upgrading an existing subscription. Where a subscription is upgraded then the cost will be calculated as the number of days remaining in the subscription period.

The Account Owner may also re-assign User Licenses. User Licenses may not be assigned to shared email in-boxes.

Users requiring a new Account can (i) set up a new subscription to become a Account Owner in their own Account or (ii) be added as a Child Account of an existing Account from where the Account Owner can manage Users and access their work.

Unless restricted by the Account Owner or by the Central Group Account these features are available to users.

Document Design

Users may create unlimited documents by either (i) uploading a PDF or PowerPoint file, (ii) applying Branding and Style Sets to the Branded Page Library and selecting pages and templates, (iii) using pages or templates from a Custom Page Library or (iv) creating a new document using the TigerDesigner suite.

Dependent on the origination, Users may edit page designs, adding text, images and interactive modules including tests, assessments, links, and video content.
Users can access tools to generate content.

Text and story content can be generated through the Microsoft AI tool.

A stock library provides access to images which may be licensed by the User. Licensed images are automatically shared to all other Accounts and Users within the Customer Group. Content is provided by Getty Images.

A text to video generator allows the User to generate videos, adding scripts and choosing presenters from the bank of avatars provided by PageTiger.

Images and videos obtained through the content generators may only be used and reproduced in content designed using the PageTiger platform and usage of the generators is subject to PageTigers acceptable use policy.

Document Settings
Unless locked by the Account Owner or Central Control Account, the User can change settings including (i) the style to set how a document is viewed, (ii) security rules to restrict who can view content, as well as create menus, add
notifications, award badges, access advanced analytics and upload lists if expected visitors.

A document can be saved as (i) a template and/or (ii) a TigerKit from which documents can be created using the
TigerGenius authoring wizard to personalise content for each version.

Document Distribution
Once published, the document may be accessed as a website (subject to any security controls used by the User).
Users can access the TigerMailer system to (i) build an email newsletter using a template layout and selecting page
images from their design and (ii) schedule the email to be sent to individual email addresses and/or an expected visitor list.

Users are responsible for ensuring mailing list contacts and broadcast of emails must comply with data protection and GDPR restrictions.

Where the User wishes to display documents on computer screens, kiosks and displays then the TigerPlayer
application can be installed on each device and the User can determine which documents appear on which device.
For more information view the Distribution Service Description

Management Information
Users may access analytics to view data, including the email address or employee number of each Visitor where captured and management information including document and page visits and responses from interactive modules created using the PageTiger system.

Reports may be viewed online and downloaded in a spreadsheet format.

PageTiger does not capture personal information other than that detailed above. Users may use third party tools within the interactive modules, but any data, including personal information, will be directly passed to the third party and not retained by PageTiger.

User Support
Users are given access to an online help system and live online chat is available during working hours as set our in the Master Service Agreement,

Cancellation of User License Subscriptions
Where User licenses are purchased in a PageTiger Account ither than the Central Group Account, the Account Owner may login to the Account and cancel any or all license subscriptions.

Where User licenses are purchased in and shared from the Central Group Account, an authorised Customer
representative must complete an online request available at

Where a reduction in licenses will result in active Users being suspended, the Customer representative will be required to enter the details of each PageTiger Account affected and for each Account Owner to accept that their documents and User Licenses will be deleted.

The completed form and acknowledgements must be received by PageTiger no less than thirty days in advance of the next renewal date of the subscription(s) to which cancellations apply.


PageTiger provides product training for Users of the platform. The training may be delivered online or in classroom sessions either at PageTiger premises, regional locations or at the Customer’s premises.

Ordering and booking process

The Account Owner may order Training Tokens, which may be redeemed by Users against training classes.
Unless otherwise stated, one Training Token is required for each User to attend each class. No refunds are made once a Training Token has been purchased.

The Training Token may be redeemed by any User authorised by the Account Owner against a corresponding training event. The course booking must be made within 12 months of the purchase of the Training Token. Once a booking has been confirmed the course facilitator will provide all information required by the student in order to attend the event.

For classes delivered at PageTiger premises, PageTiger will provide computer hardware. For regional and onsite classes the student will be required to have a computer with reliable internet access.


A class booking may be cancelled provided the student gives at least seven days notice in writing to PageTiger and in such a case the Training Token may be redeemed against an alternative date.

Where a course booking is cancelled during the five working days prior to the event then PageTiger will endeavour to find an alternative customer to attend in which case the training service voucher may be used against an alternative event.

Where an alternative customer cannot be found the TrainingToken will be cancelled. PageTiger reserves the right to cancel a course or part of a course at any time and will attempt to reschedule the event.

Where the Customer’s Service Charge subscription is cancelled, any unused Training Tokens will be forfeited.



PageTiger provides design, project management, content origination and bespoke technical development, collectively referred to as Professional Services to PageTiger Customers.

In order to receive Professional Services, a Customer must have an active Service Charge subscription.


Professional Services are purchased at a daily rate referred to in the Customer Order as a Studio Day and charged at a rate detailed in both the Quote and the Order.

A Studio Day is calculated as seven hours of production work which may be split across multiple members of the PageTiger team to include, but not limited to, Project Managers, Editors, Copywriters, Picture Researchers, Graphic Designers, Technicians and Developers. Services requiring additional skills such as videography and illustration may be outsourced to external suppliers but will, unless agreed in advance, be charged at the same Studio Rate as all other Professional Services.

Studio Days must be redeemed within 12 months of the Order.

PageTiger will advise the Customer of any additional charges in the process and will require authorisation by the Account Owner or any other authorised User in advance of the expense being incurred. These costs include, but are not limited to reasonable expenses including travel and accommodation, production and distribution of printed

Any outstanding charges will be invoiced at the end of each calendar month.


PageTiger will appoint a Project Manager as the day-to-day contact. The Project Manager will monitor the progress of each project and record the time spent by each individual and the balance of Studio Days remaining.

During the production process, the Project Manager will agree with the Customer the timelines for the Customer to provide approvals and any assets, including any information, images and video, to be used in the production. Failure to deliver assets within the required time and any changes to content once approved by the Customer may result in delivery deadlines being delayed and additional Studio Days being charged.

The Customer is responsible for securing usage rights for any material supplied to PageTiger for inclusion within a
project (subject to PageTiger’s Master Service Agreement).

Where requested by the Customer, PageTiger may recommend the use of a third-party component. In this instance, the Customer should purchase the component directly from the supplier and grant PageTiger’s Creative Team access in order to implement the production process. If a project is likely to require additional Studio Days then the Project Manager will notify the Customer and will, subject to approval, arrange for extra Studio Days to be charged.


Professional Services will be suspended should the Customer’s PageTiger Account fall into payment arrears of more than 30 days.

Where the Customer’s Service Charge subscription is cancelled, any unused Studio Days will be forfeited.

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